Saturday, January 16, 2010

Popil Vuh

If there is anything I'm not good at it's names. Usually to get around this problem, I usually try to remember the first syllable of each name or connect actions with faces. This method proved problematic when reading the Popil Vuh. Thrust in a world with similar first syllabled names, repetitive actions across generations and the lack of physical descriptions, I don't believe I've ever been more confused. Most of the time I was trying to remember which boy whose name started with H was doing what at what time.


  1. You're right that the names are confusing and the fact that the story id difficult to follow cam make it much harder. You might try to think more about the various events as you read and this might help you follow along. I can tell you that none of the other texts will be as challenging of a read, though.

  2. No kidding! I couldn't agree more. I felt like every name I saw was a new one, even if it was one of the main characters... I found that relying less on names and more on the plot of the story made the reading significantly less confusing.

  3. I agree, I was having trouble with the names in the Popol Vuh as well. I like the method you used here to help you remember matters and names. This may sound strange, but I feel like I'm experiencing an early case of Alzheimer myself because I have been so forgetful this past week.

  4. I agree with you, I’m really bad with names too, so it was really hard for me to remember the names of the Characters. I couldn’t even pronounce some of them. When reading the Popol Vuh I found myself re-reading or going back to see who they were talking about. After I read it like tree time I think I got a hang of who was who

  5. I honestly only memorized the twins names and the lors of Xibalba title since they came up the most. I wonder where these names came from, why they were assigned, and if they're are still in use. By in use I mean if anyone names their children after the people in this text!

  6. I also agree that the names in the Popol Vuh were quite difficult to remember or distinguish. But this was only a small challenge for me compared to what I have to read and learn in an NAS class I am taking on the Ethnohistory of Native Peoples of Mexico and Central America. I had to memorize and learn how to spell the Maya day names! After learning them, I can unfortunately say that I have not come up with a strong strategy for memorizing such names.
